How Late Payments Can Affect Your Credit
Missing credit card payments is a big deal than it seems. Your credit card drive application company will never come to your door after missing a payment, but actually take action behind the scenes. Your creditors will continually response you back against your late payment and it will affect you for months or even years. Knowing the consequences of late payment of credit card should be enough to make an extra effort to pay on time. Four things happen against your late payment Your credit card will be considered late if it is deemed to be received after the termination date or due date. According to the Bad Credit Car Loans Canada , this is what happens if your credit card is late: 1- You give the late fee to your creditor. Against your late payment your next statement includes a fee for late payment or it will be considered as the losses. Late fees typically range from $14 to $36, it depends on the tariff, credit car late fee policy. There may be a bit relaxation if yo...